Wednesday, 23 December 2009

AU's 50th Anniversary



這幅Signing cloth足足有三呎X六呎,對5D Mark II來說是亳無壓力。

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Katherine and Ricky


Sunday, 13 December 2009

Veronica and Kenneth

This is one of my wedding clients who are not living in Hong Kong.
They also from Australia.
Veronica stayed in HK for several months that I had more opportunity to meet with her.

Both Veronica and Kenneth's parents are not living HK, so they chose Hotel to be for Tea Ceremony.
It was a rainy day. The portrait was done inside the Hotel.
All was relax. Seems met their living style (in HK so hurry every time and every where).

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Sharon and Marc

年尾是Wedding Photographers最忙的時候,

而 Sharon 同 Marc 工作也忙得很,Rundown 都要找兄弟代勞,我們的Communication又是Email,如果這世界沒有Computer,真不知點算。

這天的婚禮比較特別,我沒有一Team 人,就只有 1P Snapshot,這樣反而覺得輕鬆得多,唯一的我沒有 Assistant 加強效率,雖然如此,Sharon 和 Marc 當天行程並非那麼緊,我有更多時間處理Snapshot。最高興的我是十分起歡用現場光影相的,今次 Portrait 部份全部用現場光,沒有 Fill 燈。


Have to searched the Topaz Photo AI about its speciations and performance, it seems very good. But I can’t reach my expected result on Astro...