Monday, 13 April 2009

Jessica and York

The weather was bad and boring in the pervious days before.
But, a 180 degrees changed today, fresh sunny day with warm weather. Jessica said that she saw a beautiful sunrise at the break of the morning, such a romantic thing.

After I completed shots for Jessica and her sisters, then joint with York and his brothers at the hotel lobby. York always appended smile on his face and could not reach my requirement for taking cool style pictures for him with his brothers. He was really happy !

Coming up was exciting, so many funny games were designed ingeniously by Jessica's sisters. This was a challenge of York and his brothers that they did it very hard.

Meanwhile, their parents shared much much happiness on watching the games. I have only one sentence to say, York and his brothers did the good job and well done.

The wedding registration was selected at 樂茶軒. I was the first time stepped in there, very Chinese feel and comfortable.
Jessica and York finished the oath with a deep impression under the solicitor's guidance ....

Congratulations !

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

Claria and Barry

Claria 和 Barry 的家同在北京,為了這個婚禮遠道而來,我好幸運地當了他們的攝影師,這天也說了很多國語,Claria 同樣說得一口動聽的國語,她的家人十分健談,晚上完了 Banquet 更和他們影了很多相。

而Barry和他的兄弟們都是說廣東話的,在遊戲中要他們畫畫,哈!不消一會便畫了幾個簡單且美麗的公仔,看得 Claria 捧腹大笑。


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Annie and Fung

Annie 和 Fung 的婚禮算是比較簡單,但也較特別,就是很多歡笑,
連 St. Teresa's Church 的神父的說話也很風趣,

這兩個公仔原來已陪伴了 Annie 很多年。


Have to searched the Topaz Photo AI about its speciations and performance, it seems very good. But I can’t reach my expected result on Astro...